I am very happy that you visited us, Stay tuned with me and I promise to motivate you to Reverse your Diabetes.

I am Warren P. Dahle, Editor and Author of this blog. I have thought of starting this blog to share my experience and awareness about diabetes. As both my parents are diabetic, I know that I am at risk of developing diabetes But I did not get alert early and came to know from the doctor in my Annual Health check-up that my blood sugar levels are nearing the danger zone, That’s in 2013.

The doctor suggested simple lifestyle changes- Lifestyle changes are very easy to suggest and highly difficult to implement.

 But I thought of making lifestyle changes to delay diabetes as much as I could and over time I have gained knowledge about controlling diabetes and the problems we face when we are pre-diabetic or diabetic.

 It is understood that Diet plays a major role in controlling diabetes,  Doctor Ray D. Strand in his book mentioned three major steps to control diabetes in his book Diet, Exercise, and vitamin supplements.